Ознака: Motivation

Coach Carter

Coach Carter Samuel L Jackson

  The environment (very often) likes to shape our destiny in subtle ways. Often, it’s the people closest to us. They persuade us that such circumstances, environment, life, people, the state, politics, should not be disturbed, and so on. They tell us to adapt to what surrounds us if we…

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As a Man Thinketh

Misliš stvaraš Džejms Alen As a man thinketh

  Do you know what common thread runs through names like Norman Vincent Peale, Tony Robbins, or the now-cult documentary/book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, as well as dozens of other successful individuals in the world of business, motivation, and whatnot? They all share one thing in common: a small,…

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The 10X Rule

The 10X Rule 1

  (deep sigh): Haaaaaaaaa…… The 10X Rule…… what to say/write when you encounter people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Brendon Burchard, Dan Lok, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins…or Grant Cardone? What is truth, and what is illusion when it comes to these people? Are they individuals who first achieved some success,…

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

  Spider-Man, your friendly neighborhood hero… one of the (many) favorite superheroes, including for me. Discussing his superpowers, origin, psychological profile, the fierce battles with his enemies, relationships with other superheroes, joining the “Avengers”, romantic adventures with Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane… pages and pages could be written about this…

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Everything Is F*cked

Ma sve je sjebano everything is fucked up Mark Manson

  One of the most-read texts on this blog (in fact, this text is still the champion in terms of the number of visits) is the review of Mark Manson’s book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”. This book ended up on my shelf known as the “Shelf…

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Peaceful Warrior

Put mirnog ratnika Peaceful warrior

    Uh, the situation is not easy either for the film we’re discussing today or for me. How to stay objective in a review of a film from which you have great expectations, simply because it’s made based on one of your favorite books? But, what must be done,…

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Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Put mirnog ratnika Peaceful warrior

  This book and I go way back… there’s a lot of history there. How much, I wonder… about seven or eight years? Maybe a year more? When I first saw the book “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”, its title (including the cover) caught my attention, as did some quotes…

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My Grandma the Zen Buddhist

Moja baba zen budista

  After his first book “The Path of Change,” Sinisa Ubovic’s second book has decided to navigate the waters dominated by works like “The Alchemist” (Paulo Coelho) and “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and “The 5 AM Club” (Robin Sharma). These works, let’s call them, are “inspirational-motivational novels.” The…

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The Path of Change

The Path of Change 2

  You attend a lecture that takes place once a month to see and hear in person the individual who smiles contently and peacefully from the cover of their debut book. The hall is full, and tickets must be reserved in advance. The monthly lecture lasts about 90 minutes, and…

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Ego is the Enemy

Ego je neprijatelj Ego enemy

  (One of) the definitions: The ego represents the conscious part of the personality, the part of the psyche that is perceived as ‘I.’ This layer of personality encounters the external physical and social world based on rational data gathered through observation, memory, and thought. It is the part that…

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