Here we have Kenan Crnkic again. And again, a beautifully bound booklet that can be read in one afternoon.
And again, it contains familiar things.
And again… a book that is worthwhile and to which you will often return.
“Be Careful Which Wolf You Feed”.
Honestly, I liked this book even more than the previous one.
If the previous book (“7 Secrets of Success”) talked about success, then this one talks about happiness.
But here, there aren’t any classic rules/laws/skills for achieving happiness.
Instead, there are stories and anecdotes, accompanied by explanations and reflections.
Yes, you read that correctly.
In this book, Kenan Crnkic has compiled 26 instructive stories from around the world. I believe most of you have already heard of many of them. Each story is followed by Kenan’s reflections on real-life situations and how the experiences from these stories should be applied to real life.
“Well, okay…” someone might note. “Unlike the previous book, this is just a collection of stories, and they’re not even his! He talked a little about the points of these stories, and that’s it! These stories exist in other books, on the internet, etc… so why is this book special?”
The answer could be found in a counter-question.
When was the last time you read a book full of stories and anecdotes, whose messages you could apply to everyday life?
And what’s wrong with stories?
For me, instructive stories and anecdotes have always represented one of the examples of life experience. I am convinced that, after first-hand practice, learning is fastest through examples (and stories). I know this from my own experience.
Besides, as children, we loved stories the most (until we discovered the world of movies and video games 😁). Whether someone else told them to us or we read them ourselves, we simply “devoured” them. They were our window into a world that was incredible and unreal to us. But they also gave us some very important life messages that greatly shaped our view of the world. What is good, what is bad, how to be fair and wise, how to deal with cunning people, etc…
But then we grew up.
We replaced stories with cheap newspaper articles, full of illusions and tragedies, where there is not much positive news. Or perhaps we even stopped reading altogether. And we try to find lessons about happiness through other channels.
Maybe we even stopped searching for happiness.
And that’s why it’s good to have such a booklet by your side sometimes.
Someone might say: “Well, this is like a dose of motivation! Read once and done! What next?”
But they weren’t wrong when they said that motivation is like showering – it’s recommended daily. 😀
All in all, the book is written in a simple style. And that’s quite enough.
Honestly, I think I liked this book even more than the previous one (“You’ve already said that, are you even listening to yourself…” – note from subconscious). And it seems that it’s not without reason that this book has captivated the region.
Almost forgot! The last part of the book (77 questions). A friendly piece of advice. Do them “in one go,” answer instinctively. If you start to feel irritated, just continue at the same pace, there’s a high probability that your answers will be more honest. ?
And you, dear readers, which wolf are you “feeding”?
(Originally reviewed: 29/06/2019)
Price of the book in Serbia: Vulkan | Delfi | Dereta |