Месец: новембар 2023.

Coach Carter

Coach Carter Samuel L Jackson

  The environment (very often) likes to shape our destiny in subtle ways. Often, it’s the people closest to us. They persuade us that such circumstances, environment, life, people, the state, politics, should not be disturbed, and so on. They tell us to adapt to what surrounds us if we…

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Benjamin Franklin: The First Mr. American

benjamin franklin

  To determine who is today’s “true great American” is a challenging question to answer definitively. Naturally, many might start (probably Americans first) by listing music and film stars (maybe Tom Hanks?), presidents, reality TV stars, businessmen… Some might take a more grounded approach, perhaps naming a scientist, explorer, or…

Nastavi sa čitanjem Benjamin Franklin: The First Mr. American

Princess Mononoke

Princeza Mononoke princess

  To say that “Studio Ghibli” is the Japanese version of “Walt Disney” is somewhat true, as it makes sense to compare them in some respects. However, they also have their unique distinctions. One thing is certain, though: both are bound to captivate both children and adults alike. “Princess Mononoke”…

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As a Man Thinketh

Misliš stvaraš Džejms Alen As a man thinketh

  Do you know what common thread runs through names like Norman Vincent Peale, Tony Robbins, or the now-cult documentary/book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, as well as dozens of other successful individuals in the world of business, motivation, and whatnot? They all share one thing in common: a small,…

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  Do you remember my objective review of the series “Firefly” (“In case you don’t remember, you wrote the review so ‘objectively’ and ‘professionally’ that everyone thought someone paid you… which is even sadder for you, no one pays you for this embarrassment on your blog…” – note of the…

Nastavi sa čitanjem Serenity

Norse Mythology

Norse Mythology 1

  Talking about Neil Gaiman and his artistic achievements really doesn’t make sense… the man has worked on comics, written novels and short stories, read books for audio editions, collaborated on movies and series, published publications… and won awards in whatever field he dabbled in. Although he might not be…

Nastavi sa čitanjem Norse Mythology

The 10X Rule

The 10X Rule 2

  (deep sigh): Haaaaaaaaa…… The 10X Rule…… what to say/write when you encounter people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Brendon Burchard, Dan Lok, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins…or Grant Cardone? What is truth, and what is illusion when it comes to these people? Are they individuals who first achieved some success,…

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Firefly Nathan Filion

  You finish watching the fourteenth episode of the series “Firefly” with the comment, “That was a nice episode, let’s see what awaits me next… strange… there’s no fifteenth episode, what’s going on here… Ah, I get it, this is the end of the first season, kind of lame, it…

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

  Spider-Man, your friendly neighborhood hero… one of the (many) favorite superheroes, including for me. Discussing his superpowers, origin, psychological profile, the fierce battles with his enemies, relationships with other superheroes, joining the “Avengers”, romantic adventures with Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane… pages and pages could be written about this…

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99 Sufi Stories

99 sufijskih prica

  I have always believed that “stories are meant to put small children to sleep and “wake up” the adults”. As children, we enjoy these tales (fairy tales, fables, anecdotes…), that is, their mystical/fantasy/fantastic element. As we grow older, we realize that many of these stories carry significant and meaningful…

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